Do Bangkoku z Milána v byznys třídě s Oman Air. Letenky od 26 271 Kč
O akci
Zimní dovolenou v Thajsku můžete nyní naplánovat společně s výhodnými letenkami aerolinií Oman Air, které nabízí zpáteční lety z Milána do Bangkoku za 26 271 Kč.
Letí se v plnohodnotné byznys třídě v letadlech Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner s polohovatelnými sedadly. Těšit se můžete na:
- prioritní odbavení na letišti
- vstup do salónků na všech letištích
- prémiový catering
- 2 příruční zavazadla a odbavená zavazadla do 50 kg (pozor na přískok do Milána)
Lety jsou operovány s 15 hodinovými přestupy v Muscatu, které využijte k návštěvě města, případně k práci v letištním salónku. Do Milána se snadno a levně dostanete s aeroliniemi, které létají na milánské letiště Malpensa několikrát denně.
Jedinou nevýhodou je fakt, že míle za lety lze připsat pouze do věrnostních programů Oman Air nebo Etihadu.
Kde koupit
Nevíš, jak se dostaneš z letiště do centra? Přečti si naše průvodce: letiště Milán Malpensa, letiště Bangkok.
8 komentářů
Žádná otázka není hloupá ani špatná. Pokud známe odpověď, rádi se o ni podělíme.
Dear Guest,
We hope this email finds you well. On behalf of Oman Air, we extend our sincerest apologies for the inconvenience you have experienced due to the fare error. We remain committed to ensuring you enjoy a comfortable and seamless travel experience.
Although we are unable to honour the mistaken Business Class fare, which was caused by an error in filing, we would like to help resolve it. Should you choose to change your booking to Economy Class on the same flight, we will offer you a EUR 100 electronic voucher as a goodwill gesture, to use in any future bookings made with Oman Air. Alternatively, if you wish to experience our Business Class product, we ask that you pay the additional EUR 1000, which represents a discount of EUR 400 from the standard fare. In compliance with European Union Regulation EU 261, we sent our initial communication well in advance of the required 14-day timeframe before your travel date. This second reminder has also been sent outside the 14-day timeframe. Under all circumstances, we remain committed to getting you to your destination as per your planned itinerary.
If we do not hear from you within the next 5 days, we will re-book your current ticket to Economy Class.
Thank you for choosing Oman Air, and we look forward to welcoming you on board.
Warm regards,
Oman Air
Dear Guest,
We hope this email finds you well. On behalf of Oman Air, we extend our sincerest apologies for the inconvenience you have experienced due to the fare error. We remain committed to ensuring you enjoy a comfortable and seamless travel experience.
Although we are unable to honour the mistaken Business Class fare, which was caused by an error in filing, we would like to help resolve it. Should you choose to change your booking to Economy Class on the same flight, we will offer you a EUR 100 electronic voucher as a goodwill gesture, to use in any future bookings made with Oman Air. Alternatively, if you wish to experience our Business Class product, we ask that you pay the additional EUR 1000, which represents a discount of EUR 400 from the standard fare. In compliance with European Union Regulation EU 261, we sent our initial communication well in advance of the required 14-day timeframe before your travel date. This second reminder has also been sent outside the 14-day timeframe. Under all circumstances, we remain committed to getting you to your destination as per your planned itinerary.
If we do not hear from you within the next 5 days, we will re-book your current ticket to Economy Class.
Thank you for choosing Oman Air, and we look forward to welcoming you on board.
Warm regards,
Oman Air
tak Oman air 5 dni do odletu vrátil letenky do business class a prolétl jsem je.
Tak jen pro info :)
tak Oman air 5 dni do odletu vrátil letenky do business class a prolétl jsem je.
Tak jen pro info :)