Tour XML specification

A tag within which everything else is. The root tag is .

This tag contains ISO code of the currency. We always display prices in Czech crowns, it is necessary to write the tag in this form:


A tag identifying a unique ID generated by a travel agency. In each export and subsequent update, the same ID must be kept for a specific tour. If the ID changes in the new export, the tour will be considered different. The ID value must contain only alphanumeric characters.

A tag indicating the type of tour (seaside, sightseeing, active skiing, etc.). Values according to the attached codebook.

A tag defining a link to a travel agent’s website describing general information about the tour (hotel).

A tag defining the location of the tour, i.e. the country, region and place. This mark includes:

  <!-- ISO country code according to the codebook, in this case Turkey -->
  <!-- text name of the region, must not be the same as the country name -->
  <!-- text place name, must not match the area name -->
  <place_title>Kumkoy Beach</place_title>

A tag defining the name of the tour. Use alphanumeric characters only, limit 80 characters including spaces. The tour name must not contain price, meals, stars, exclamation marks or advertising elements (“special offer”, etc.).

required in the absence of other descriptions (accommodation_desc, location_desc, program)
A tag defining the description of the tour.

A tag that defines the accommodation. The following fall under this tag:

	<type />  
	<class_id />  
	<title />  
	<gps />  
	<location_descs />  
	<accommodation_desc />  

A tag defining the textual name of the accommodation type. If the tour is without accommodation, enter “Without accommodation”. Use only alphanumeric characters and punctuation marks. Example:


A tag indicating the number of stars. Enter the value 1-11. Example 5*+:


A tag defining the name of the accommodation. The name may not contain stars or price. Example:

<title>Sun Island Resort & Spa</title>

A tag specifying GPS coordinates in Latitude/Longitude format. If GPS coordinates are used, the tour will be enriched by the map base and has a significantly better chance of being relevant to the user. Example:


povinný v případě absence ostatních popisů (tour_desc, accommodation_desc, program)
Značka popisující lokalitu ubytování. Pod tuto značku spadá <location_desc>, který může být obohacen o příznak Title. V případě více popisů v rámci značky je příznak Title povinný. Příkladem:

required in the absence of other descriptions (tour_desc, accommodation_desc, program)
A tag describing the location of the accommodation. This tag includes <location_desc>, which can be enriched by the Title flag. In case of multiple descriptions within a tag, the Title flag is mandatory. Example:

	<location_desc title="Location">The hotel is located in a quiet area 200m from the sea and 500m from 	the town centre.</location_desc>
	<location_desc title="Environment">The hotel is situated close to a beautiful park full of local fauna and flora.</location_desc>

required in the absence of other descriptions (tour_desc, location_desc, program)
A tag describing room amenities and accommodation options. In case of multiple descriptions within a tag, the Title flag is mandatory.

	<accommodation_desc title="Facilities">The hotel was renovated in 2022 to meet the requirements of even the most demanding customers. Facilities include a swimming pool, gym and children's playroom.</accommodation_desc>

The defining mark of the tour photo. This tag must be followed by the order, a link to the URL of the photo and a description of the photo for each photo. The first photo in the sequence is the main photo.

	<!-- tag defining the order of the photo -->
	<!-- tag defining the link to the photo -->
	<!-- tag defining the description of the photo -->
    <desc>Hotel entrance</desc>
    <desc>Hotel swimming pool</desc>

A tag indicating the tour options. Under this tag you can find all the tour variants that the tour contains. A tour may not contain more than one tour variant with the same meals, transport and departure points. Multiple tour variants with the same transport and meals must not repeat the same departure points.

	<term_group /> <!-- 1st tour option --><term_group /> <!-- 2nd tour option -->  

A tour variant tag that defines a group of dates with the same transport, meals and departure points (maximum 10). A tour variant contains the following tags:

	<!-- tag defining the diet, value 1-8 according to the codebook -->
	<board />
	<!-- tag defining transport, value 1-6 according to the codebook -->
	<transport />
	<!-- tag defining departure or arrival points, always city specific -->
	<dept_places />
	<!-- tag describing information about what is included in the final price -->
	<terms />

A tag defining the individual dates in a given tour option. The date ID is unique within one tour variant. The ID of a specific date must be preserved across the XML generation. The date must be available for booking or enquiry on the travel agent’s website.
The structure of XML terms is as follows:

	<!-- tag identifying the ID generated by the travel agency -->
	<!-- tag defining the start of the term, must be earlier than the end date -->  
	<!-- marker defining the end of the date, must be later than the start date --> 
	<!-- tag defining the number of days, must be greater than zero and the number of nights -->  
	<!-- tag specifying the number of nights, must be zero or more -->  
		    <desc_id />  
		    <final_price />  
	<purchase_url />


Price items :

A tag defining the individual price items for a given term, including the type of person, final price, and a link to the order form or inquiry. The price must always be for the term to which it relates. Must include all mandatory surcharges and taxes. The price per adult can only be one per term and must be the same as the price for the first person. The price per adult must always be defined and must be greater than 0. If the price per child is 0, it is considered “free”.

Link to the order form <purchase_url>:

The landing page must allow users to book, reserve or enquire about a given appointment. The page must contain the name of the selected tour, the selected date, transport and meals with the same price as the one in the XML file.
The structure of XML price items is as follows:

		<id />
		<start />
		<end />
		<day_count />
		<night_count />
		<!-- price section tag -->
			<!-- term price item tag -->
				<!-- price description ID according to the codebook; 1 - adult, 2 - child, 3 - senior -->
				<!-- tag indicating the final price per person -->
		<!-- link to the script that verifies the availability of the date -->
		<!-- link to the booking or enquiry form of the given date at the CK -->