Madrid letiste - stopover pres noc na jedne letence - covid / opusteni letiste do hotelu u letiste.
Dobry den, snazil jsem se ziskat informace o transitu / prespani v hotelu a bohuzel
Sección Atención al Pasajero
División Seguridad Operacional, Calidad y Medio Ambiente
Aeropuerto Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas
nechape muj dotaz, zda u letu nize ktery je zpatecni z tenerife na jedne letence s nocnim "pobytem" v madridu muzu jit do hotelu u letiste a prespat a je to povazovano za "transit" nebo jake jsou vlastne podminky.
Ja s manzelkou jsme plne ockovani ale deti ktere maji 12let a tri mesice k tomu ockovani nejsou a pravidla cest , testu apod se na ne vztahuji.
Muj dotaz prosim je, muzeme jit do tohoto hotelu prespat nebo ne a bude pak problem jit na ranni let do ZRH.
Samozrejme u deti udelame antigenni testy to neni problem.
Sun 03 Oct 16:55
Flight UX9117(Operated by AIR EUROPA)
Fri 15 Oct 17:55
Fri 15 Oct 21:40
Stop-off 10h 15m
Flight UX1675(Operated by AIR EUROPA)
Sat 16 Oct 07:55
2h 10m
Sat 16 Oct 10:05
Moc diky za ochotu.
Tak ty informace ohledně Španělska jsou dost zmatený, ale asi by mělo platit následující:
...If the transit involves passing through border control centres and therefore entry into Spanish territory, passengers must present their QR TRANSIT, the boarding pass or purchase ticket for the next or subsequent flights of the connection to demonstrate that the final destination is international, and they can continue their trip, as long as the transit lasts less than 24 hours and they do not leave the airport premises.
ahoj, jj presne todle jsem cetl, ale je tam taky napsane a to ja prave nechapu, ze
"as long as the transit lasts less than 24 hours and they do not leave the airport premises."
co mysli tim do not leave the airport premises... jakoze mam mit hotel na letisti... primo nekde v terminalu.. to je to na co jsem zatim nenasel odpoved. Je nas 5et.. dva dospeli a 3 deti tak bych nerad zustal pres noc na terminalu.. Mame teda business letenky ale to asi ni moc neznamena ani s narokem na nejake ubytko apod.. takze jedu vse na vlastni triko..
diky za info..
presne jak pises ;o) sem z toho zmaten a ocividne spanele jeste vice, protoze na moji otazku kde jsem specifikoval to ohledne hotelu me napsali todle
Dear Sir/Madam,
Sorry for the error of the information in the above email.
From the 7th of June, all passengers in a country or risk zone (except for children under 12 years of age) must provide one of the following supporting documents with the requirements established by the health authority:
- Certificate confirming that the holder has received a vaccine against COVID-19 (vaccination certificate).
- Certificate that indicates the result of a Diagnostic Test for Active COVID-19 Infection that the holder has performed (diagnostic certificate).
- Certificate confirming that the holder has recovered from COVID-19 (recovery certificate).
At any time, passengers may be asked to prove these documents.
Jelikoz CH je risk country tak proste vylezem ven... a decka stejne budou mit platny antigen jeste z tenerife tak vylezem pujdem na hotel a pak rano na let ;o)
diky za cas a ochotu floodland ;)